That Place You Love: Real People. Real Stories.
Round-Up on Promise; Next-Up Patience. Contributors on Hiatus & Welcome!
I didn’t realize my subconscious was at work until…
Panic set in.
For PROMISE, I wrote about being a bad wedding guest, and on more than one occasion, anxiety about what to wear played a part.
Fast-forward to July 19, 2023.
One month out from our wedding date, and we have nothing to wear.
I had been cavalier about it from the start. The most important part of the event, for me, was to make sure our guests, flying in from all over, had a wonderful visit.
And, the food had to be phenomenal... check & check.
At one point I said I’d wear a dress in my closet if it came down to it, but a wedding builds from simple to elaborate the closer it gets.
Things we didn’t think we’d want suddenly become urgent.
Fireworks have been discussed!
I set out to find a dress, and a dress I found. I’m writing the story of the dress as an essay for Insider, so I can’t spill it here… but I’ll share it when it goes live.
It’s a doozy, so stay tuned.
Round Up on Promise & New Theme - Patience - below!
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And want to know more about the ZINE’s mission, go to ABOUT or FORUM on the Substack platform or read the introductory post I WAS AN EASY LIAR.
Summer Hiatus & Welcome New Subscribers
It’s summer for most of our regular Contributors who have been in touch about not being able to write right now due to travel & holidays & some health issues.
TPYL is completely optional, but I notice when Contributors don’t post because I love reading their stories.
Thank you for staying in contact, and I look forward to your return… feel free to catch up on past themes.
I’ll always do the Round-Up and link to pieces when posted.
5 Contributors weighed in on PROMISE:
I wrote about PROMISE through the lens of truth and found Jesus... my friend, Txus, while recounting the first wedding I went to with my partner in our jammies.
(in order of appearance… some made me a little tearful this time)
Carole D took us through the promises made in wedding vows and, through wisdom of experience, offers four statements to heal any falter in fulfilling them.
Karen E makes a promise to Coby, their 13-year-old Labrador Retriever, that they will be with him until the end… his whole life. Dogs really are part of a family.
Intact Animal writes about hitting the wall in a 101km race, and how internal promises, the ones we make to ourselves, are best realized when shared.
Tabitha B questions the veracity of a promise, asking if it’s luck that we keep them, reminding us that sometimes a promise is a threat… let’s ask the ouija!
New Contributor & Special Guest Txus dropped in to respond to my story about him, confirming that time in Berlin as an open-minded creative school of life.
READ & HEART this week’s writers & SHARE your own story in the comments.
Contributor Pascale went back to CLOSURE to write about a metamorphosis in progress, writing her way out of a hole to the soundtrack of David Bowie.
(Click on the unique theme hyperlink above to read Pascale’s story).
On Monday, I’ll write about Patience through the lens of truth. I chose this theme because my mom is in the hospital right now being treated for pneumonia.
I tell her she needs to be a Patient Patient. She doesn’t like being hemmed in, but rest is recovery, and we want her back home.
Where does PATIENCE take you?
Read & Share on Monday!
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More to come on Monday….
Have a great weekend.
Sincerely, for real.