That Place You Love: Real People. Real Stories.
Round-Up on Rush; Next-Up Cooking. Where were you Dec. 8, 1980?
A musician has died when the radio plays their songs…
This is the heading I wrote last week after hearing a block of The Pogues on the radio that let me know frontman, Shane MacGowan, had passed.
December 8 marks 43-years since the death of John Lennon.
Lennon is the namesake of this Substack: Gimme Some Truth.
I know where I was when he was murdered.
The Cranbrook Academy of Art student bar in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. You may ask, “How could you be in a grad art program’s bar if you were only nine-years-old?”
Because my mom was the dean of the school, and I was a faculty brat with super cool babysitters who introduced me to the B-52’s, Talking Heads, Yoko Ono and Japanese erotica, amongst other subversive art & music culture.
A sculpture student erected a shrine to Lennon in the bar - which was more of a rec room dance hall - and another painted:
1940 - 1980
I remember being struck by the dates.
How clean they were. 40 years.
I tear up every time I listen to Imagine and War Is Over (If You Want It).
A person - a couple, together with Yoko - so dedicated to the message of
shot to death by a fan.
Yoko, to this very day, at 90-years-old is still delivering this message.
Imagine what John would be doing.
Round Up on Rush. New Theme: Cooking - below!
If you’ve missed a week or you’re starting to feel like you might have a story to contribute, click on a THEME LINK to write 150 - 200 words on:
I always include new posts with unique links in the Round-Up.
6 Contributors weighed in on Rush:
I wrote about the game of traffic light roulette I played in going or not going to school & the “salad days” of not rushing with a band of MRT after-hours friends.
Carole D reflects on the hurry-triplet of the work/kids years and finds comfort in the 3rd stage of life to get the rush out of creativity. Only the pups have to hurry!
Carol M thanks the practice of meditation for ridding her of the addiction to rush, even when rushing wasn’t necessary.
Julia W recalls the rush & hustle of single motherhood, the disruption of circadian rhythms, and places rush on the List of Don’ts with hate, condescension, and being an asshole for no reason.
Intact Animal quotes his own lyrics, which represent his state of mind, No Tengo Prisa - I’m not in a hurry… I have time - and credits the move to Andalusia for the insight.
Zig delivers a compelling mystery in third person. She who must escape, but such plans cannot be rushed once the resolve for action takes over.
Tabitha B relishes the savoring of a good book until the very last page without reading ahead, falling asleep, or hopping onto Instagram. The Harry Potter years!
READ & HEART this week’s writers & SHARE your own story in the comments.
Contributor Amelia went back to HUMOR to write about living past her due date & the necessity for humor to make the terror of illness bearable.
(Click on the unique hyperlink to read her story)
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And want to know more about the ZINE’s mission, go to ABOUT or FORUM on the Substack platform or read the introductory post I WAS AN EASY LIAR.
‘Tis the season to pull out recipes that wait all year to be attempted.
My partner & I were in a TV-daze last night watching the finale of Masterchef USA. We didn’t watch the show during the season - the winner was announced in September - but we got kind of caught up in this final round.
Spoiler: The chef from IOWA won! (I’m Iowan by marriage).
We like cooking. My partner, in particular, will take some risks with recipes. I play it safer, trying to perfect my 10 go-to’s every time.
I make a killer pumpkin pie from scratch that also yields pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin muffins, and pumpkin bread.
One pumpkin and two sweet potatoes yield that much delicious food…
Why use canned pumpkin for one pie?
Anyway, I think it’s a good theme as we plan our holiday meals.
Where does COOKING take you?
Read & Share on Monday in 150 - 200 words!
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More to come on Monday….
Have a great weekend.
Sincerely, for real.